

Khao Yai

Cabanon perdu is a sustainable, minimal footprint project commissioned by Thai Forest Department to be constructed in various remote areas in Thailand, where human presence should be reduced to a minimum, necessary for its preservation or respectful observation.
It should serve as a short term stay shelter for tourists or accommodation for researchers in remote areas of national parks around Thailand.
Proposed light structure guarantees swift and quiet building process, reducing negative impact of construction site on the environment, while allowing for flexibility of arrangement, recyclability and equally quick potential removal of the building. Reduction of size of structural and finishing elements to no more than 2 meters in length means, that transportation is easy and does not require any special measures. Separate elements can be carried by hand to their final destination further protecting the environment from negative impact of construction site.
Galvanized steel as main structural material and recycled wood as finishing are durable materials able to withstand exposition to challenging conditions in Thai wilderness over long period of time. They also can be recycled. Elevated structure allows animals to pass underneath and reduces impact on top soil and vegetation underneath to minimum. Sloping shape of walls means that sun can penetrate the whole surface under the building over one day time, meaning that the structure does not affect existing eco system. The shape of walls additionally creates natural shadow and rain protection what allows to keep simple, geometric shape of the building without necessity for additional for example shading elements. This reduced, ascetic form complements its magnificent, wild surroundings by becoming background with its sharp outlines and square openings – sitting windows serving the role of frames outlining nature.
Gaps between horizontal wall boards let the air penetrate the cabin freely and in every direction. Integrated mosquito net, while breathing prevents insects from entering the cabin. Grid based, square layout of the house with entrance located in the middle allows for couple of options for arrangement. The central “entrance hall” additional stimulates airflow throughout the cabin thanks to the opening at the top.
Simple, geometrical form of the building is a reminder of its role in natural context: a background.